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Law Enforcement, Private - School - Hospital and
and Workplace Security Professionals:
This Site Was Created For Your Training Needs!
Please Feel Free to Click on the Links Featured Here.
The Linked Sites Address:
Armed Robbery For Police Trainers
Workplace Armed Robbery Training
Credit Union Armed Robbery Prevention
Casino and Gaming Security Management
School and Workplace Security Training
Hospital Safety and Security Management
Insurance Investigation Self-Training
Identifying Lies In Disguise
Bio-Terrorism Procedures and Training
Police and Motorist Defensive Driving Tactics
Police and Security Weapons Retention
Surviving Hostage Situations
Death Investigation Evidence Management
Recovery of Human Remains
Bomb Security and Countermeasures
Managing a Disaster
Basic and Advanced Security Officer Training
Police Search Training:
Hidden Traps and Secret Compartments Video
Prohibited and Concealable Weapons Searches
High-Risk Traffic Stops
Multiple Assailant Confrontations
Stress Management for Police and Security
Agency and Security Workplace Technology
Remote Computer Activity for Suspect Monitoring
Crisis and Multiple Hostage Negotiation
Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents Guides
Gang Awareness - Intervention and Prevention
Police Use of Force
Domestic Violence Training for Law Enforcement
Stress Management for Police and Security
Executive - Celebrity and Dignitary Protection
Supervisory Leadership and Survival
Report Writing Skill-Building
Federal Grants and Funding For Police and Security
And Much, Much More.
For The Truth About Pit Bulls!
If you don't see a Subject or Topic listed that you need addressed, simply e-mail with a detailed message.

New Strides In Correctional and Jail Officer Safety ... and Inmate Safety
NO-SHANKŪ Toothbrush
NO-SHANKŪ Toothbrush is designed to fit over the end of an inmate's flossing finger.
Push it on firmly and the compression holds it on the fingertip. It is a patented
one-piece tube with integrally molded bristles. Constructed of FDA-approved material, this "finger" tooth brush is only 1
1/4" long and weighs only 1 1/3 grams.
Made of translucent material, its cavity is open-ended which prevents inmates from
hiding weapons or contraband.
It is reusable and will last as long as a standard toothbrush.
Used exclusively by the U.S. Marines for the detainees in Camp Delta at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.
Over 2 MILLION + NO-SHANK toothbrushes and inmates have made and actively used
by inmates and NO shanks have been made with them!
Increased officer safety
Makes the officer's job easier
No sharpened toothbrush handles as shanks in inmates hands
No toothbrush handles with embedded razor blades in inmates hands
No more searching for shanks made from toothbrush handles
Lower health care cost related to toothbrush injury
Eliminates hiding places for contraband
One less item for contraband creation
Not a budget buster
Attn: Police and Security Professionals:
When you need to destroy sensitive documents, you destroy
them; but what do you do with CD and CD-ROM media that contains sensitive data and needs to be destroyed?
The Affordable Answer:

The CD DESTROYER Is The Answer
Only $44.95
Police and Security Training Consultants
Post Office Box 663
South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080-0663
Do You Need To Monitor The Comuter Activity of Employees, Offenders, Probationers
and Suspects?
Perfect for for remote monitoring and recording all computer
and online activity by Sex Offenders, Pedophiles, Con Artists, Embezzlers and other Cyber-Criminals using the Internet to
Cloak their Identities and Prey upon Adults, Children, Business Owners and Vulnerable Senior Citizens and Women.....
And for the administration of Sex Offender Probation, Related
Probation, Parole, Conditional Release, Community Control, inluding House Arrest and for Criminal and Administration Investigations
conducted onsite or externally by Municipal, County, State, Military and Federal Law Enforcement, Social Services and
Security operations on all levels.
You'll Save Time and Effort and You will be able to Monitor the Online Activities
of those within your range of supervision, right from your Desktop or Laptop computer. And, should you need to produce
evidence of their violations, you'll have it right on your hard drive!

Click on the Above Graphic For Complete Details |

Click on The Graphic Above For Complete Details |
Highly Recommended For All Law Enforcement! |

Available Now For Immediate Purchase! |
For The Very Best in Bomb Countermeasures Training |

Available Now For Immediate Purchase! |

This Site is Continuously Updated!

Update Your Personal Skills and Police Agency Search Training and Training
Library with:
Finally, here is a timely video training program that provides the highest
degree of much-needed Personal, Vehicle, Residental and Building Search training tactics for the "Street Cop," Detectives
and Investigators!
It's a fact of life!
Every day, law enforcement officers in villages, municipalities, cities, counties
and state and campus law enforcement agencies, throughout the nation, are MISSING the Guns, the Drugs, and other Contraband
they are looking for during their searches of Suspects, Vehicles, Homes, Apartments, Offices and Buildings!
Any Police Officer, Detective or Investigator, when called upon to initiate, conduct or assist
in a Personal, Vehicle, Home or Apartment, or other Building Search may be missing the most important contraband, including
Drugs, Guns, Stolen Property, Edged Weapons and More.
While they may find SOME of the hidden crime evidence, they may be NOT find Much,
Much More of what may actually be present on the scene!
The newly-released HIDDEN TRAPS AND SECRET COMPARTMENTS training video will give officers the
much-needed training needed to enhance their individual and collective search skills, which are required to
find even the most well-hidden items in compartments, traps and other unique hiding places used by suspects, gang members,
criminals, smugglers and drug traffickers.
The hidden compartments, some being electric or hydraulic switches in vehicles, the secret
hiding places, and a host of seemingy obvious traps and accessories have always been there to help consumers to hide and protect
their valuables from burglars, but now the criminals are using these traps to thwart the efforts of law enforcement officers
to find and confiscate their caches of drugs, guns, edged weapons and other illegal items that would result in arrest and
possible incarceration.
This high-quality video training tool, created by a veteran police officer for all law enforcement,
is perfect for roll call, academy and in-service and personal training use, and is guaranteed to increase the effectiveness
of any and all law enforcement officers when they need to conduct important searches.
It is vital that all law enforcement officers, detectives and investigators, especially those who serve
Search Warrants and initiate high-risk drug, weapon and contraband searches in homes, apartments and vehicles be updated
to the tricks, ploys and newest methods in active use by law breakers.
HIDDEN TRAPS AND SECRET COMPARTMENTS is Not based on Theory, but on What Works in the field, on the
street and during high-risk searches. It includes an interview of an incarcerated inmate who vividly details how he
thwarted the efforts of a law enforcement search team who awakened him a 2:00am with a search warrant, conducted their 3-hour
search and left without the drugs and a large cache of weapons he had hidden in the most obvious of places, but were grossly
overlooked by police, many of which could have seriously breached their personal safety.
--Law Enforcement Agencies and Academies,
--Individual Officers, Detectives and Investigators submitting a copy of their Agency ID card,
--Private Investigators submitting proper identification,
--Security Personnel providing proper identification, and
--Corporate and Executive Security Professionals providing proper identification (Etc.)
Other individuals seeking to order The HIDDEN TRAPS AND SECRET COMPARTMENTS
VHS should first send a detailed e-mail for instructions.
Why the Restrictions?
Because the content of this extremely vital training video is THAT Important!
In the wrong hands, this lessons learned, which are highlighted in this video ... could be used
AGAINST law enforcement officers and result in lives lost!
--When you view the contents of The HIDDEN TRAPS AND SECRET COMPARTMENTS video, You will fully
understand the reasons for its restrictive accessibility!!
--And, You will learn the more-than-obvious reason why this life-saving and thought-provoking video
was created!!
--The HIDDEN TRAPS AND SECRET COMPARTMENTS video Can Save Your Life ... and Help You To Detect, Find
and Confiscate the Drugs, Guns and other Contraband Hidden in both the Obvious and Not-So-Obvious Places of your object of
search location.
--It will make the difference between whether you DO find what you are looking for ... or ... Whether
You DO NOT find what you are looking for during a search of Suspects, Vehicles, Homes, Apartments, Buildings and More!
Only $39.95 Per Video Prepaid - Including Shipping!
International Orders:
and Provide Your Complete Shipping Address
For Global Shipping Costs Quotes.
Order Your
VHS Training Video Today!
Also Available:
The Manual of Prohibited and Concealable Weapons
This double
feature DVD includes the hit film:
This film is features
DVD quality picture and Dolby stereo sound. Easy to use menus let you play the film in its entirety or go directly to the
lessons you want to review. This DVD is state of the art and will work with your
home DVD player to play on your television, as well as on your computer.
Over 65 thousand law enforcement officers
are assaulted on the job every year. Sadly, not all of those attacks end up with the officer winning or even surviving. Even
the most experienced officer may lose and need to regain control of his subject.
No doubt about it a strong offense
is a good defense. But in the real world, an officer may be taken by surprise at any time. He may not have the advantage in
every situation. And there may be no instant help available from fellow officers. Having the ability to get out of a compromising
position is a necessity for survival.
Ask any cop, one mistake when confronting
a criminal can make for a pretty rotten day. This DVD addresses those situations to make sure a bad day doesn't get worse.
"Escape Combatives" is a realistic training
program that teaches officers how to respond whenever they're in the postion of disadvantage. The defenses, counters, and
escape tactics in this video are fast , effective and usable by officers in full uniform.
"Escape Combatives"
teaches the defensive skills needed to survive worst case scenarios, such as:
- Escape from both frontal and rear choke
- Escape from a side head lock
- Escape from both frontal bear hug
and rear bear hugs
- Counters to shoulder and lapel grabs
- Counters to both frontal and rear
- Counters to kicks, hooks and jabs
- Counters to attacks with edged weapons
- Counters to attacks with blunt objects
The DVD format allows you to watch the program in its entirety or go
directly to just the lessons you want to review.
Counter Ambush Driving
Tactics For Today's Mean Streets
Not long ago, the only people who needed to
be concerned with defensive security measures were high ranking VIPs.
Realistically speaking,
no one is immune from such crimes today.
In the real world, there is no difference between a carjacking and a kidnapping; between a smash & grab and an
ambush; or between a drive-by shooting and an assassination.
Violent crimes against motorists are reported daily as America's fastest growing crime wave spreads.
Lets face it: If street thugs are going to shoot you for your car, you need to know how
to stop them!
Guerrilla Driving
- The DVD contains the most effective tactical driving methods currently being used by professional drivers and bodyguards.
The evasive driving
skills featured in this DVD are routinely taught to security personnel who must deliver important passengers safely while
under constant threat of attack.
- Witness the secret
driving techniques used worldwide to give police, military personnel, chauffeurs, and body guards the edge in crisis situations.
- See dramatic footage
shot from perspectives outside and within moving vehicles demonstrating how to perform evasive maneuvers.
- Learn the basics of
tactical driving including how to maintain vehicle control while hard braking; plus how to execute the J-turn and the Bootlegger
- Discover the principles
behind strategic, single, and multiple car ramming.
The DVD format allows you to watch the program in its entirety or
go directly to just the lessons you want to review.
Driving: The DVD ... is an exciting and timely DVD that will permanently change your driving habits after just one
the urban driver now faces many of the same dangers and problems that high security drivers face, he needs access to the same
information the pros use to stop trouble before it starts.
That is
why this DVD has been made available to law enforcement, security and the traveling public.
may never need to use your personal or patrol car as a defensive weapon to save your life, but its nice to know you could!
Do not miss out on this incredible 2 for 1 value.
For more information and pricing , Email:
Click on the Highlighted Links Below For Specialized School, Academy,
In-Service, Advanced and Career-Oriented Law Enforcement and Security Training:

CLICK HERE For the Certified Security Consulting Home Study Course

CLICK HERE For Security Consulting Job and Career Training
CLICK HERE For ARMED ROBBERY Prevention Training For Law Enforcement
CLICK HERE For The American Focus on Serial Killers
CLICK HERE For 911 Dispatcher Training
CLICK HERE For GANGSTA In The House - The Book - The Audiocassette Series and The 93-Minute DEMYSTIFY STREET GANGS Training
Seminar Video
CLICK HERE For Bomb Security and Countermeasures Training
CLICK HERE For Hostage Survival Training 101
CLICK HERE For Executive Protection Training
CLICK HERE For Insurance Investigation Career Training
CLICK HERE For Training in Identifying Lies In Disguise
CLICK HERE For Help in Becoming a Police Officer
CLICK HERE For LIFE HAMMER! It Can Save Your Life!
CLICK HERE For The TELESTEPS Police and Security Tactical Ladder
CLICK HERE For Membership in the National Police Officers Association of America, Inc.
CLICK HERE For Police and Security Stress Management Tactics

Aircraft Theft
and Aviation Crime
You Have Asked......!
How Extensive is Aircraft Theft?
What is Meant by Illegal Aircraft Washing?
Do All Aircraft Have VIN Numbers?
What is Avionics Theft?
Are Airports Patrolled by Federal Authorities?
Can I or Do I Have Jurisdiction in Aircraft Crime Investigations?
What is a Fixed Base Operator?
What Do I Do if I See a Crime Occurring at a Local Airport?
And We Have Answered You.......!

Also Available Now and Updated For 2003:
The escalating reality of aircraft and avionics theft is an area of the multi-million dollar
organized crime 'industry' which is (sadly) not continuously addressed by mainstream law enforcement, primarily due to the
belief that it falls under federal guidelines.
Although some federal jurisdiction is involved, there is, normally,
limited action taken unless vast quantities of drugs or very high value contraband are involved.
Virtually, the crimes
involving the theft of both physical aircraft and aircraft avionics are referred to the local municipal law enforcement agency
in which the airfield or airstrip is located, who have little or no formal or related training in this truly unique, investigative
Help For Law Enforcement Investigators is Here!
Click Here for
